🤯Edible Cement?!
Two Japanese researchers launched a startup that converts food waste to cement. As if that wasn't cool enough, this cement also has a bending resistance that's four times stronger! In addition to being used as a building material, this cement is biodegradable, aromatic and can be used to even make chairs and tea cups. The incredible pair, Kota Machida and Yuya Sakai, from Tokyo University’s are the brain powerhouse behind this much-needed project!
Click here to learn more.
👋It Isn't Goodbye Just Yet.
Exclusive to California’s Channel Island, two plants that were almost extinct have recovered owing thanks to protections from the Endangered Species Act (ESA).
The ESA has an impressive record of being the most successful conservation legislation among all nations, having prevented the extinction of 99% of all species that have been listed since the year 1973.
Keeping up with that record, the Island Bedstraw and the Santa Cruz Island Dudleya have been recommended to be delisted after the Fish and Wildlife Service along with the Nature Conservatory, successfully reviving their population to prosperous and flourishing levels.
Click here to learn more.
🍙Rice Rice Everywhere!
In Bangladesh, small-holder farmers have converted the dry Bengal Basins into one of the richest croplands on the planet, that too, using very simple yet ingenious methods. This cropland can carry up to two to three rice harvests per year! The people created a water system that's climate resilient. It maintains a topped-up level of an underground reservoir. This system is dubbed, “The Bengal Water Machine”.
More on how they did this here.
🤔Remember What You Just Read?
A new study shows that Laser Light Therapy has shown positive results in improving short-term memory. The non-invasive therapy could potentially improve short-term memory in individuals by 10 or even 25%. The treatment is applied to the right prefrontal cortex of the brain and is named Transcranial Photobiomodulation (or tPBM). It was performed by scientists at the Beijing Normal University in China and The University of Birmingham in the UK.
Click here to learn more.
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